
诗歌以其丰富的情感、凝练的语言、美妙的韵律,书写着灿烂辉煌的中华文化,塑造了一个民族的情感世界和精神世界,从历史的脉络来看已有四千多年的历史。中华文化一直將詩歌視为文学和艺术表达的最高形式,如果说文学是一种极致的语言艺术,那么詩歌更是艺术中的极品。孔子曰;“不学诗,无以言。” (意思就是不读《诗经》就不懂如何说话。)这种特殊的思维方式,渗透、积淀在传统文化的各方面,经常焕发出一种耀眼的诗性智慧。让我们一起扬帆启程,走进诗的国度,穿越几千年的诗史河流,漫步于诗的海洋,体会诗词之美、生命之源和智慧之源,从上古歌谣一直到明清,诗作多若繁星!这些灿烂的文化瑰宝,不仅是一个民族珍贵的文化遗产,也是世界文化遗产中一部分。从这些惊艳几千年的诗作,有浪漫诗人屈原,“田园诗人之祖”陶潜,“诗仙”李白,“诗佛” 王维,“诗圣”杜甫,“全能天才”苏轼,白居易、李商隐、李煜、李清照、辛弃疾,也有清代文学巨匠曹雪芹等。


若有人兮山之阿, 被薜荔兮带女萝。
既含睇兮又宜笑, 子慕予兮善窈窕。
乘赤豹兮从文狸, 辛夷车兮结桂旗。
被石兰兮带杜衡, 折芳馨兮遗所思。
余处幽篁兮终不见天, 路险难兮独后来。
表独立兮山之上, 云容容兮而在下。
杳冥冥兮羌昼晦, 东风飘兮神灵雨。
留灵修兮憺忘归, 岁既晏兮孰华予?
采三秀兮于山间, 石磊磊兮葛蔓蔓。
怨公子兮怅忘归, 君思我兮不得闲。
饮石泉兮荫松柏, 君思我兮然疑作。
雷填填兮雨冥冥, 猨啾啾兮狖夜鸣。
风飒飒兮木萧萧, 思公子兮徒离忧。

“Nine Songs - The Spirit of the Mountain” by Qu Yuan (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》91页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 91)

If you seem to catch a glimpse of someone up there
in the curve of the mountain, that's me
Shrouded in ivy and bearded lichens
Sweet look and joyful smile
You admire my grace and delicate beauty
I ride a purple panther, follwed by leopard cats
And a magnolia wood chariot with laurel banners
Wearing an orchid dress, ginger flowers gird my waist
I gather fragrant flowers to gift to my beloved
I dwell in a deep bamboo forest, so dense the sky is unseen
The path is arduous and difficult, late I arrive, but no one is there
Alone I stand on the mountain peak
Clouds float and gather below me
Day turns dark as night
The east wind swirls, divine rain falls
I, a goddess, linger here out of love
Forgetting to return to the celestial realm
The years go by, who will remain ever beautiful as a flower?
On the mountain, I gather the magical mushroom of youth
Climbing through boulders and intricate kudzu vines
Regretful for the missed appointment,
Disheartened for not yet returning to the heavenly realm.
You think of me, but never have time
We, mountain dwellers, are like fragrant and immaculate pollia flowers
Drinking from pure rocky springs, in the shade of pines and cypresses
Do you think of me? Doubt creeps into my heart
Thunder rumbles, somber rain falls
Monkeys cry and scream all night long
The wind howls, desolate trees lose their leaves
I think of the young lord, useless sadness grows



“Oh Heavens! (Heaven Is My Witness)” Anonymous (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》113页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 113)

I long to know you intimately
Forever, without end or decline
When mountains lose their peaks
When rivers run dry
When thunder roars in winter
When snow falls in summer
When heaven and earth merge as one
Only then will I dare part from you


结庐在人境, 而无车马喧。
问君何能尔? 心远地自偏。
采菊东篱下, 悠然见南山。
山气日夕佳, 飞鸟相与还。
此中有真意, 欲辨已忘言。

“Drinking Wine (V)” by Tao Yuanming (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》137页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 137)

I built my hut among the people
Yet there is no noise of carts or horses
You ask, how can this be?
If the heart is far from the world, so too will be the place where I dwell
Gathering chrysanthemums by the eastern fence
In the carefree tranquility, the southern mountain appears
At sunset, the mountain's spirit radiates beauty
Flocks of birds return home
In all of this, there is a True Meaning
But if I try to explain it, the words vanish


人问寒山道, 寒山路不通。
夏天冰未释, 日出雾朦胧。
似我何由届, 与君心不同。
君心若似我, 还得到其中。

“People Ask the Way to Cold Mountain” by Han Shan (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》171页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 171)

People ask the way to Cold Mountain
But the path is impassable
In summer, the ice has not yet melted
The sun rises, but thick mists obscure and confuse
A guy like me, how did he get there?
It is because my mind is not like yours
If your heart were like mine
You too would be right here with me


兰叶春葳蕤, 桂华秋皎洁。
欣欣此生意, 自尔为佳节。
谁知林栖者, 闻风坐相悦。
草木有本心, 何求美人折。

“Twelve Lyrical Reflections (I)” by Zhang Jiuling (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》201页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 201)

In spring, the green leaves of the orchid grow lush
In autumn, fragrant osmanthus flowers gleam white
How much joy there is in this vital surge!
In nature, every day seems a celebration
Who can understand the hermit of the woods
Who, listening to the wind, sits full of joy?
Grass and trees have their inner heart
Why would a beautiful soul ever tear them out?


危楼高百尺, 手可摘星辰。
不敢高声语, 恐惊天上人。

“Overnight at the Mountain Temple” by Li Bai (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》249页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 249)

The vertiginous tower rises a hundred feet
With your hand you can pluck the stars
I dare not speak aloud
For fear of disturbing the inhabitants of the sky


花非花,雾非雾。 夜半来,天明去。
来如春梦几多时, 去似朝云无觅处。

“Flower, Not a Flower” by Bai Juyi (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》275页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 275)

Flower, not a flower. Evanescent, yet not mist
Comes in the dead of night, leaves at dawn's first light
Comes like a spring dream, for how long?
Leaves as the morning clouds vanish, no longer to be found


皋禽名祇有前闻, 孤引圆吭夜正分。
一唳便惊寥泬破, 亦无闲意到青云。

“The Call of the Crane” by Lin Bu (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》331页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 331)

The call of the crane, so divine, I have known it for a long time
Its round voice extends solitary in the heart of the night
A single sharp cry that makes you startle, the whole sky seems to tear
And you are no longer in the mood for head-in-the-clouds daydreams


横看成岭侧成峰, 远近高低各不同。
不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。

“Written on the Wall of Xilin Temple” by Su Shi (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》339页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 339)

Facing forward, crests are seen; from the side, peaks rise
Farther or nearer, higher or lower, each perspective differs
I cannot discern the true face of Mount Lu
Simply because I am right in the midst of it


风住尘香花已尽, 日晚倦梳头。
物是人非事事休, 欲语泪先流。
闻说双溪春尚好, 也拟泛轻舟。
只恐双溪舴艋舟, 载不动、许多愁。

“Spring is Past” by Li Qingzhao (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》355页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 355)

The wind has ceased, the flowers have all fallen,
their fragrance lies in the dust
It“s already evening, today I don”t feel like combing my hair
Things have remained the same, but people have not,
now everything is over
I wish to speak, but tears flow before words
I have heard that spring at the Two Streams is still beautiful
I would love to go for a boat ride
But I fear the small boat
Cannot bear the weight of my great sadness


江风索我吟, 山月唤我饮。
醉倒在落花前, 天地为衾枕。

“Praising Myself Again” by Yang Wanli (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》365页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 365)

The wind and the river ask me to sing
The moon among the mountains invites me to drink
Drunk, I fall beside the scattered petals on the ground
The sky is my blanket, the earth my pillow



“Autumn Thoughts” by Ma Zhiyuan (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》393页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 393)

Dry vines, ancient trees, crows at dusk
A small bridge, flowing water, country houses
An old abandoned path, cold autumn wind, a bony horse
The sun sets in the west
A broken heart wanders at the edge of the world


白玉堂前春解舞, 东风卷得均匀。
几曾随逝水? 岂必委芳尘?
万缕千丝终不改, 任他随聚随分。
好风凭借力, 送我上青云。

“Ode to the Willow Fluff” by Cao Xueqin (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》469页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 469)

In front of the white jade hall, the spring dances begin
In the east wind, the willow fluff pirouettes with grace and lightness
Swarms of bees and butterflies in profusion flutter haphazardly
When have the fluff ever gone away with the flowing water?
Why should they fall to the ground in the dust?
The willow tree, a thousand threads,
a thousand bonds of love that never change
It doesn't matter whether the fluff stays close or scatters far away
Spring, do not laugh if I, a willow fluff, have no roots
With the help of the favourable wind
I rise up to the blue clouds

Book Kingdom of Chinese Poetry


高山流水曾梦里, 云峰幽谷苏醒歌。
山花漫烂又一春, 鸟语花香触飞虹。
身披彩衣入碧流, 亦幻亦真奇妙心。
缤纷流逝风中来, 魂牵梦绕几春秋。

"Déjà vu" by Chen Chong (英文翻译选自诗集 《蝴蝶梦》3页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "Butterfly Dreams. Chinese Poems" p. 3)

Waterways and mountains all around
a landscape already seen in a dream
a life-giving song awakens the lonely valley
and clouded peaks
Carefree wildflowers flood the mountain
once again it's spring
birds chattering and floral aromas enchant
the rainbow heart

Dressed in brilliant colors I enter
the emerald waters
is it real or is it just my fantasy?
I am in the Mysterious Heart
The colors fade away
the wind will bring them back
the soul goes round and round
dream after dream
How many springs and autumns?


Book Butterfly Dreams. Chinese Poems