


结庐在人境, 而无车马喧。
问君何能尔? 心远地自偏。
采菊东篱下, 悠然见南山。
山气日夕佳, 飞鸟相与还。
此中有真意, 欲辨已忘言。

“Drinking Wine (V)” by Tao Yuanming (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》137页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 137)

I built my hut among the people
Yet there is no noise of carts or horses
You ask, how can this be?
If the heart is far from the world, so too will be the place where I dwell
Gathering chrysanthemums by the eastern fence
In the carefree tranquility, the southern mountain appears
At sunset, the mountain's spirit radiates beauty
Flocks of birds return home
In all of this, there is a True Meaning
But if I try to explain it, the words vanish


人问寒山道, 寒山路不通。
夏天冰未释, 日出雾朦胧。
似我何由届, 与君心不同。
君心若似我, 还得到其中。

“People Ask the Way to Cold Mountain” by Han Shan (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》171页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 171)

People ask the way to Cold Mountain
But the path is impassable
In summer, the ice has not yet melted
The sun rises, but thick mists obscure and confuse
A guy like me, how did he get there?
It is because my mind is not like yours
If your heart were like mine
You too would be right here with me


危楼高百尺, 手可摘星辰。
不敢高声语, 恐惊天上人。

“Overnight at the Mountain Temple” by Li Bai (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》249页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 249)

The vertiginous tower rises a hundred feet
With your hand you can pluck the stars
I dare not speak aloud
For fear of disturbing the inhabitants of the sky


花非花,雾非雾。 夜半来,天明去。
来如春梦几多时, 去似朝云无觅处。

“Flower, Not a Flower” by Bai Juyi (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》275页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 275)

Flower, not a flower. Evanescent, yet not mist
Comes in the dead of night, leaves at dawn's first light
Comes like a spring dream, for how long?
Leaves as the morning clouds vanish, no longer to be found


横看成岭侧成峰, 远近高低各不同。
不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中。

“Written on the Wall of Xilin Temple” by Su Shi (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》339页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 339)

Facing forward, crests are seen; from the side, peaks rise
Farther or nearer, higher or lower, each perspective differs
I cannot discern the true face of Mount Lu
Simply because I am right in the midst of it


风住尘香花已尽, 日晚倦梳头。
物是人非事事休, 欲语泪先流。
闻说双溪春尚好, 也拟泛轻舟。
只恐双溪舴艋舟, 载不动、许多愁。

“Spring is Past” by Li Qingzhao (英文翻译选自 《中国诗歌王国》355页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "The Kingdom of Chinese Poetry" p. 355)

The wind has ceased, the flowers have all fallen,
their fragrance lies in the dust
It“s already evening, today I don”t feel like combing my hair
Things have remained the same, but people have not,
now everything is over
I wish to speak, but tears flow before words
I have heard that spring at the Two Streams is still beautiful
I would love to go for a boat ride
But I fear the small boat
Cannot bear the weight of my great sadness



高山流水曾梦里, 云峰幽谷苏醒歌。
山花漫烂又一春, 鸟语花香触飞虹。
身披彩衣入碧流, 亦幻亦真奇妙心。
缤纷流逝风中来, 魂牵梦绕几春秋。

"Déjà vu" by Chen Chong (英文翻译选自诗集 《蝴蝶梦》3页 陈冲)
(English translation taken from "Butterfly Dreams. Chinese Poems" p. 3)

Waterways and mountains all around
a landscape already seen in a dream
a life-giving song awakens the lonely valley
and clouded peaks
Carefree wildflowers flood the mountain
once again it's spring
birds chattering and floral aromas enchant
the rainbow heart

Dressed in brilliant colors I enter
the emerald waters
is it real or is it just my fantasy?
I am in the Mysterious Heart
The colors fade away
the wind will bring them back
the soul goes round and round
dream after dream
How many springs and autumns?

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Book Butterfly Dreams. Chinese Poems

Book Kingdom of Chinese Poetry